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What In The World?

It's Spring!!!  A time for new births and new beginnings!!!!

During one of the loveliest seasons of the year, after all our celebrations of a Happy New Year

and a New Decade, we find ourselves in "Universal Time Out" due to the Coronavirus. We've been inundated with that word lately and it pains me to even type it. Yet, the social distancing and staying isolated has brought me to a much needed place of doing what I love....writing and reaching out to others to provide hope and inspiration.

These, indeed, are serious times with the horrible illnesses and loss of lives, it's impossible not

to be saddened and worried. I am, as I pray that you are, doing my part not to be a part of this

problem by staying home, washing my hands frequently, and praying for the world to be freed

from this devastating pandemic. To me, it goes without saying, in the "Meanwhile," there is

something for us all to learn from this experience. I am an analytical thinker and observer of life

and I always go to the why instead of the what. This is how I make sense of things and experiences

in life so I can always walk away with a deeper and better understanding of how to process what

is going on.

My processing through questioning leads me to ask, since we, humans, have inhabited this earth

for so many centuries, yet instead of learning the simple task of how to treat each other have been

placed in Universal Time Out by the TRUE POWER, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER? Parents often ask

their children in "time out" to think of what the child has done to land there. Are we thinking? I mean,

are we thinking beyond just survival so we can get back to business as usual. So many days, more

than I care to count, when I watch the news I automatically say out loud...."What in the world" is

going on! What are we doing? What have we become? We have arrived at a point where the

conditions of our lack of respect, kindness, concern and basic caring is as devastating to our

society as this virus. The greed, racism, cruelty, lack of morals, integrity and decency is on a

rampage. Hate and pseudo-power is ravishing our world at an alarming rate.

The consequences of this pandemic has brought basically everything to a stop. Schools are closed,

jobs are shut down, industries are taking a nose dive. Big Boys and Deep Pockets are deeply

concerned about the stock market, while only a few extremely necessary businesses are operable.

Here's some highly positive take aways from these consequences: This gives us time to pay

attention to those we love and who love us. This is a time to savor getting to really know our own

children who spends more hours with the teachers at daycare or school than they do with their

own parents each day. It grants parents the opportunity to invest in their true legacies while they

take a break from the work of building someone else's dreams through their jobs and careers. This

shows us the truth in the clear distraction of "Man" shouting from the mountain top that he is all

powerful, where the True Power lies. God wants our attention, our acknowledgement, our praise

and faith, in and on HIM. It's not to say that He has provided this as a punishment, I know that God

is love, and that is why we are all here and perhaps the lesson we should all learn through these

trying times and never forget!!!

The playing field has been leveled. Only He, could do this, man could, but chose not to. Doesn't

matter how much prestige you hold, your title or rank, money, or collections of the finest material

goods obtainable to man, the laws of protecting us for our own survival are the same across the

board-worldwide. We all matter, all humans, doesn't matter the differences, we have one Creator.

Recently, while viewing a remarkable show on Netflix, "Love Is Blind," which is an intriguing

experiment on love and relationships, out of all of the many things I watched and heard, there

was this one statement that continues to resonate with me. There was a scene when Lauren's

Dad leaned back in his seat, and looked in Cameron's eyes and spoke, "I will only judge you on

how you treat my daughter." He had to read that line straight from my heart!!! I keep hearing

those words and feeling like I need to thank him for putting my pure, heartfelt, sentiments

into words!!! That was love speaking!!! It came off as a demand but from the heart of a

parent, it is almost a plea.

What if, what if this is what God will judge us we treat each other? Will we pass the

test? Think about it...think about Him! No, this is not a sermon, but I am a passionate, mother,

wife, sister, daughter, nana, aunt and human being. I just love and my constant goal is to be

better! Let's learn from this life threatening experience, please, I pray!!!!

The next time you hold your hands under the water to wash them, make a conscience decision

to wash hate, cruelty, selfishness, racism, the lack of human decency, greed, and immorality down

the drain ,,,these are deadly, lethal germs of society. Perhaps, the one major lesson we are to learn

from this, is that our survival, as the human race, and there is just one race, is at the mercy of each

other. Perhaps, when the bands are all lifted, we can emerge with the knowledge that the greatest

of all is the human connection and we should treat each other and care for each other as we wish to

be treated and cared for. I Pray with All My Heart, that the next time a news story makes me say "

What In the World,' it will be from a news story that shows we've mastered the simple task of

knowing how to value and treat each other better. Blessings to All! #LMP = Love My People

Just Call Me Ann

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